Tasks and Aims

ESCIS promotes safety in the chemical industry.

It is composed of individuals with responsibilities for safety in chemical industrial concerns, in Suva (Swiss national accident insurance fund), the Swiss federal labor inspectorate and other professional organizations, as well as people at research and educational institutions in a position to further the interests of safety and in particular safety training; all are members ad personam.

ESCIS endeavors to identify current safety problems and fundamental safety aspects of particular importance at an early stage and initiate and promote their treatment by specialists or working parties. The aim involves the minimization of risks by suitable measures and the continuous extension and improvement of the methods and instrumentation used to identify risks.

In collaboration with the responsible authorities and institutions, ESCIS strives for meaningful interpretations and practical solutions within the framework of statutes and official regulations. It is at the service of such bodies in the preparation of guidelines and the establishment of legal bases.

In situations where legal bases or recognized guidelines for industrial safety problems are lacking, ESCIS attempts to derive practicable recommendations based on practical experience and the findings of the working parties.

Findings and working party results arising from ESCIS activities are published in appropriate form. These publications are of an advisory nature; their applicability is the sole responsibility of the end user.

ESCIS promotes safety training at educational institutions. It endeavors to integrate safety interests on a broad basis in natural science and technical education and hence in curricula and examinations. It makes an active contribution to such training through courses, factory visits, technical lectures and publications.

Individuals and institutions making outstanding contributions to safety in chemical technology may be considered for the award of the ESCIS prize for chemical safety.

The activities of ESCIS are primarily supported by income from the sales of its publications.